📚 Documentation
- Add changelog (96dbf67)
- Add CONTRIBUTING (6a6372d)
- Add logo (6cc08e2)
- Optimize some styles (d717e09)
- Restructure document arrangement (fb8f28c)
✨ Features
- Add component icon (f96fcb1)
- breadcrumb: support it (2077639)
- breadcrumb: support separator (c66c5cb)
- button: support group (6af11cf)
- button: support group (e395b38)
- button: support onClickOutside event (f6d63cf)
- button: support router mode (b42f4b4)
- button: support submit and reset (fb41326)
- card: support border (ab05270)
- card: support onlyContentLoading (d7b0f92)
- collapse: support it (3f7a513)
- collapse: support on-change event (e2194fa)
- core: add clean dependencie (f467318)
- core: remove invalid files (ea878ae)
- dropdown: support divided (871c2fd)
- dropdown: support it (d9cf877)
- dropdown: support onClickOutside event (9eec3c4)
- dropdown: support position (04cbb1f)
- Env: Add auto CHANGELOG (79d7780)
- exception: support 401 (cde090e)
- exception: support it (d52ba32)
- exception: support slot (b4359e3)
- form: support it (45d78f1)
- form: support item description (c3b1619)
- global footer: support it (e4038b6)
- highlight: support case sensitive (68b1c94)
- highlight: support it (fe16e89)
- input: support on-blur event (592d444)
- link: support external (fe08b6e)
- link: support it (a92f35f)
- link: support target (b42c47f)
- menu: support router mode (655d9c2)
- select: add shrink and expand indicator (65c77cb)
- slider: support background color (8913585)
- slider: support disabled (9712e48)
- slider: support it (2ad8700)
- slider: support show step (c27b302)
- slider: support step (26a361b)
- slider: support tip (79579d6)
- spin: support center (ecf78d8)
- spin: support global import (849efb4)
- spin: support it (7f23495)
- spin: support size (c47f6f2)
- spin: support slot (1ba70f6)
- spin: support type (0d7b238)
- table: support minHeight (58f2807)
- table: support size (40ab968)
- tag: support border (6b4f771)
- tag: support closable (a7156f2)
- tag: support color (10cd330)
- tag: support it (448a44f)
- tag: support on-close event (8b5a59f)
- tag: support type (f7b0f41)
- timeline: add discussion example (3262677)
- timeline: support it (4b22bc0)
- timeline: support split mode (3357e01)
- toolbar footer: support auto hide (b9db24a)
- toolbar footer: support auto hide delay (f1f6d6c)
- toolbar footer: support full width (e761aa4)
- toolbar footer: support hide on scroll (f190251)
- toolbar footer: support it (c0a6311)
- toolbar footer: support scroll stop delay (342e66d)
- toolbar footer: support v-model (6fc4d1a)
- trend: support it (484cf08)
- trend: support reverse (7da4cb7)
- trend: support text color (8860fba)
- utils: support some utils (152a663)
- watermark: support fullscreen (5b7ca54)
- watermark: support it (dfc3f2a)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- badge: fix default value position (65fa5de)
- badge: fix default value position not passed exception (e41e160)
- button: fixed circle (cad2403)
- card: fixed custom card title style not working (b3b7c10)
- dropdown: fix the problem of exceeding the container causing stretching (ad6d072)
- dropdown: fix trigger is hover position (e6de99a)
- exception: fixed position (9d15bf9)
- exception: fixed slot not working (91619d4)
- form: fixed default message (f031d13)
- form: fixed not report message (26fc28a)
- input: fixed max width (2bb4540)
- input: fixed null value (3104ee5)
- input: fixed provide and inject type (43b860b)
- link: fixed link style (20f6da7)
- select: fixed the issue that custom options caused the default selection to be abnormal (3b3ca92)
- select: fixed width (5504971)
- timeline: fixed spacing (bdbd20c)
- tooltip: fixed auto width (2111a8b)
- tooltip: fixed code compile (9e82ce4)
- tooltip: fixed lenght (f73a749)
- tooltip: fixed the problem of automatic positioning beyond the screen (b829fd1)